Hot Dress Tips for a Super Classy Hens Night Party


Fortunately we’re all different. I mean how boring would it be if everyone wanted exactly the same thing. Some girls want classy hen’s night parties with just a touch of naughtiness. Other girls want it crude and rude. And of course there is the whole gamut of in between. all have different tastes

Depending on your taste both extremes can be tons of fun. But what we all probably have in common is that we want to look good in what we wear. That’s why we’ve compiled the following hot dress tips.

Dress Tip Number 1 for a Super Classy Hens Night Party

If your hen is into the aesthetic side of life, and has a clear idea of what she wants her wedding to look like, our first hens do dress idea is to incorporate that look into the hen’s day party. You could view the hen’s party as setting the scene for the wedding.

Is your hen free-flowing, relaxed and earthy type? Does she want the wedding to be casual and relaxed? Then choose a long, loose and relaxed dress. (37)

Or does she belong to the other end of the spectrum? Does she want a super chic glamorous wedding? Then high heels and a sleek mini dress would be the perfect henday party outfit. (20)

Or is she in between and wants a vintage wedding day? (34)

Then start the day early, organise a high tea, pepper it with some life drawing and wear cute tea dresses or an old-fashioned jumpsuit. (33)

You could let yourself be inspired by women of the 1950’s like this Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. The designs of their dresses are stunning and the sultry glamorous and feminine look of their close can be mesmerising. If you want to look feminine, what better way to show off your curves than with a 1950’s circle skirt dress or a slim line wiggle dress.

Dress Idea Number 2 for a Super Classy Hens Event

Whoever says that White is only for weddings is wrong. A hens day party or a hens night with everyone dressed in white, including white accessories would definitely take you out of run-of-the-mill territory. (24)

You could choose dress that wraps around your body snugly for a sexy confident look, or go with white lace for something more summery with a touch of feminine chic.

What to Wear – Idea number 3 for a Super Classy Hens Night Party

When in doubt, go with sparkle. Sequins signal celebration and can be pretty dazzling.


You could choose an all gold mini sequin dress. (4)

Or keep it cool and understated by pairing a sequin miniskirt with a black silk top (7)

The more extroverted could opt for bright red sequin dresses and those that verge to more romantic could go for a dark red sequin ensemble. (30) (2)

Hot ClothesTip Number 4 for a Classy Hens Night Party

Jumpsuits, overalls, rompers are so much fun and are guaranteed to take your style up a notch. (22)

They’re ideal for hen parties, because they work well as comfy day wear for high tea and shopping, then at night, just add heels, earrings, rings and bangles , and you’ll be good to go. (21)

Hot Wardrobe Tip Number 5 for a Classy Hens Night Party

It‘s fun to wear a super sexy, super short mini, or a backless, braless dress but there is also something exciting and super stylish about dressing discretely, and hiding what you’d normally flaunt. (8)

Pick your best asset, it could be your legs, breasts, arms, back, or midriff, and show it off. Choose an outfit that’s suits who you really are inside, not who you think you should be, whether it’s classic and elegant, relaxed and fun, or chic and stunning. (35) (15) off your midriff

Adorn your outfit with your favourite accessories, and then you’ll be all set for the most stylish send-off from singledom known to mankind.

Hot Dress Tips for a Super Classy Hens Night Party

Life Drawing Hen's Night Party in Adelaide - The Prank


A Life Drawing Hen’s Night Party in Adelaide – The Prank

Women Do Things Differently to Men!

On a Bucks night the buck’s mates often do their blatant utmost to embarrass/shame the buck . Girls are more subtle, perhaps a little smarter and also a little more devious. This hen’s bridesmaids developed a surreptitious plan; a prank spiced with intrigue and secrecy.

This is how it all started – Nic emailed us: “I am one of the bridesmaids in Adelaide helping organise the upcoming  life drawing hen’s night. Would it be ok if we played a little prank on our hen with your help? She has a really good male friend and we thought it would be funny to introduce him as the model for the life drawing. He is up for it. Would this be Ok with you? Would you be able to help make it work for us?”

Hens Party ideas Adelaide replied: “We think your prank is a brilliant idea and would love to help you make it work. What is her male friend’s name? What does he look like? Is he well-built? The reason I ask is that if he is ‘model material’ we could pretend that he actually is one of our life drawing models and that we scheduled him for the event not knowing that he was one of her good friends. We could also have him come in wearing a mask, so that she doesn’t immediately recognise who he is. Let us know what you think, and any other ideas you have … we love playing pranks.”

Nic’s answer: “Glad you’re ok with the prank, we’ll also get her mum with this one, which will be great.

His name is Josh. He is the tall typical footy player type bloke. I’m not sure if he’ll be game to take his clothes off, even down to boxers. But he would love the idea of the mask. He suggested that he come into the room in a robe and then dramatically threw it down revealing that he was actually wearing some clothes-perhaps we could get him in a wife beater/shorts ensemble so he looks quite naked under the robe. I’m not sure if he has his own robe?”

Hens Party ideas Adelaide’s reply: “Brilliant, love the idea of tricking her mom too. She’ll be thinking: “OMG I didn’t know one of my daughter’s best friends was a stripper … AAAAAHHH- what don’t I know about the guy she’s marrying? (26)

Yes, great if Josh could wear the wifebeater shorts gear under the robe. What we could then do is that Jacqueline (I will be your instructor/MC for the day ) tells Josh it’s time to get undressed and when he refuses, she makes a big scene, fire him and sends him away. Then we face a dilemma, how are we going to do the nude life drawing. We can hide our real model in a cupboard beforehand and tell your hen that I’ve put a bouquet of flowers in the cupboard as I’m going to a birthday party after yours, and that the girls  will just have to draw them. Then she goes to look for the flowers and gets a 2nd surprise when a gorgeous model pops out… Something along those lines.”

Nic: “Wa ha ha ha ha, I love it when a plan comes together…..”

We asked for some information about her hen so we could find  her the right life drawing model. Nic told us: “Our hen is an earthy girl, spiritual (but not in a crazy way), generous, can be quiet/shy, not the centre of attention kind of person, but is also up for a laugh with a great sense of humour. She loves food and she is a personal trainer.”

That was brilliant information. The life drawing model we chose for Nic’s hen was kindhearted, a little shy, and always up for a laugh. He’d been training daily the past few months for an upcoming national bodybuilding competition. (1)
Check out this life drawing model’s abs :-)

They rented an apartment for the night at one of Adelaide’s spectacular beaches (20)

The view from the apartment where we staged the life drawing hens party 

and we all (the 2 life drawing models – the real one and the false one, the life drawing instructor and Nic) met in the hotel lobby half an hour before the party was to start. The boys were nervous and Nic and I were exhilarated. Josh, the false life drawing model, was worried that he might not be able to keep a straight face and would just burst out laughing.

Amazingly, the prank went to plan. I, the MC/life drawing instructor, told the girls in guise of introduction that many of our models were professionals, such as lawyers, accountants and photographers. (The hen’s friend, the fake life drawing model, was a photographer.) Often their circle of friends were in the dark about their life modelling activities. This is why they would not be allowed to take any photos, because these men did not want photos revealing the secret part of their life all over the Internet.

Then I asked the bridesmaid Nic to fetch the life drawing model, the false one, from the room in which we had been hiding both models. Josh strutted out proudly wearing a sensual silk gown we had bought especially for him. Gee, was he a good actor. The hen and her mother shrieked with horror and shock when they saw him; he however kept a straight face and pretended to cringe when he saw the hen, whispering to me (somewhat loudly, we wanted everyone to hear) “Shit, I know her, she’s my good friend, I went to primary school with her.”

The whole room was in uproar; the hen’s friends knew Josh too. Nic had kept ‘the Prank’ a secret, everybody thought that Josh was the real life model and  were shocked to discover his ‘sordid’ secret life. Animated discussions ensued, the hen claiming that she doubted she could deal with seeing her good friend Josh totally nude.

The general conclusion was: Josh is a professional, and in the Adelaide where everyone seems to know a friend of a friend such things can happen, so we’d just have 2 get on with the show. I instructed Josh do some short poses, still clad in his dressing gown, and the girls did a great job of drawing him. (13)

This is a photo from later on in the party, the drawings are of the real life drawing model. It was all so exciting, that I didn’t get any photos of Josh posing.

Things had started to settle down when out of the blue (well so it seemed to everyone except Nic, myself and Josh) Josh wailed: “I can’t do it, I’m leaving.”

Josh and I pretended to have a fight. I announced an ultimatum: “You have to be the model and  strip down nude. They’ve paid. You’re a professional. You’ve been doing this for 3 years. If you leave you’re fired.”

“Well right now I couldn’t give a shit” bellowed Josh and walked out. utterly furious, I didn’t even let him get his clothes.

The hen’s mum was totally frantic: “You can’t do this. The poor boy, you can’t send him out of the hotel to just in a dressing gown. What’s he going to do? He doesn’t even have his car keys.”

I ignored her and just calmly continued with our plan… hurrah, this prank was going to plan. I told them all we’d just have to make do with drawing flowers, as we’d lost our life drawing model. I asked the hen to get the flowers I’d left in the cupboard. We heard a jubilant scream.

What was their reaction when they discovered it was all just a prank: utter disbelief, total relief and they laughed and laughed and laughed. (11)

We let Josh come back in and he joined the life drawing. (5)

Life Drawing Hen"s Night Party in Adelaide - The Prank

LiFe Drawing or LiVe Art?






Life Drawing and Live Art, What is the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between LIFE Drawing and LIVE


Life Drawing traditionally involves having a nude male or female model to study and draw (or paint) in order to learn about representing the human form.


Live Art on the other hand, is usually more politically oriented, though not always, and is generally created in a public space incorporating elements of performance to the work. Both can be a really enjoyable experience, either as a participant or a viewer.

At Hens Party Adelaide we have create events with life drawing and events with live art.


Life Drawing Events

Paint The Man, Draw The Man and Draw On The Man (26)(three packages we offer) all involve life drawing.

Laughs and giggles are guaranteed as girls recover from the surprise of having a nude male in their midst while at the same time getting over possible doubts about their artistic skills! In addition all participants go away with a souvenir (or a gift for the party princess): their drawings.


Live Art Events

5 Portraiture charcoal liveart artlogic

At our live art events a qualified, experienced visual artist creates art ‘live’ during your party. This can be a permanent/long-lasting artwork or it can be impermanent – an artwork that last for just a night.

If the artwork she creates is permanent – eg on paper or on canvas, then it could then be a gift for the party princess. Having an artist creating work at a gathering is fascinating for guests as they can wander past the artist at work and view the progression of the image. This is something not usually experienced because generally artworks are only seen once completed and on display. It could certainly stimulate discussion and add a point of difference to the conversation.

For fundraising, once complete, the artwork could be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder at the event.


If the artwork the artist creates is impermanent, it can be photographed or videoed – one way to make sure it’s remembered.

Can you imagine how much fun it could be to have for instance, a body paint artist at your party working on a model to create an amazing effect, character or symbol?

Or perhaps the artist takes the whole group at the celebration on a creative adventure by instructing them on the art of body painting!

We’re lucky at Hens Party ideas Adelaide because we have an extensive number of talented, reliable, charming artists and models at our fingertips, due to our connection with ART LOGIC.

We are always ready to take on a creative challenge – so don’t be afraid to ask for what you want to make your party unique, creative and fun!

LiFe Drawing or LiVe Art?

Hen's Parties - some girls hate them?


Hen’s parties: do you love them or hate them?

The other day I chatted with a friend who hates them. Anyone organising a hen’s night should read what she said; will help you understand why some girls don’t come.

Jane: My mum did absolutely nothing to celebrate her ‘last night of freedom’ in 1980. And most of her friends didn’t either. Sometimes they would ‘indulge’ in a quiet meal and drinks with a close friends and family…nothing more.

With this lack of real-life stories, as a child, my idea of a hen’s party was what I saw on TV: a night at the pub, beer and steak, a stripper blessed with drunk women shouting ‘get it off’. Soap opera hen’s parties were cheap and wonderfully short.
Me: Fast forward to 2015 and things look way different. Surveys calculate the average cost of a hen’s party to be $125 per person, a fifty per cent increase since 2005. If I base my forecasts on this trend: things can only get worse.

Hen’s parties sometimes last an entire week-end and involve inter-state travel with guests asked to pay months in advance for what in fact is a mini-holiday they barely have control over.

Some girls fly down from Sydney to Adelaide for a weekend, rent a luxury apartment for 20 people, have all-round male topless waiter services and dine in top class restaurants before doing the obligatory pub, disco and stripper joint crawl.Say you go to three hen’s parties a year (a conservative number if you are in the age group 25-35), by the time you’ve made it to your ‘Big Day’ yourself, you have spent tons celebrating all those you’ve secretly envied (or mercilessly judged).

Jane: Regardless of how much they earn, almost every girl I know (the exceptions are the couple of exceptionally rich and extroverted ones) complains about hen parties They complain about things that range from having to sacrifice annual leave to the fury at having their in-boxes clogged up with emails from girls obsessing over every last detail. Or being forced to do something they’d never, ever, ever do: being forced to receive a lap dance reduced one of my friends to tears, not to mention the PTSD.

However, last year when my mum’s sixtieth meant I couldn’t make it to a close friend’s hen’s weekend, I was shocked to realise that I’d been struck down with FOMO (for the acronym-challenged amongst us: Fear Of Missing Out). I imagined the immense fun I could be missing out on, not the $450 I’d saved.

Me: So hen’s night parties can actually be really fun; you get to spend quality time with girlfriends. There’s always the possibility that some random activity you’ve always run a mile from, say life-drawing, might be your secret talent. And it is a chance to get to know the others before the wedding.

I know a group of girls who got on so well at their hen’s night, in addition to having the time of their life, that they’ve had reunions which everyone has volunteered to go to…and paid for without complaining.

Jane: Pleasing everyone (18 at times known-to be bitchy girls) is majorly challenging. However, when my lifelong friend asked me to be her Maid of Honour last year, I decided to say yes. It would finally be my time for revenge: I’d do it my introverted and carefully budgeted way.

But OMG…..what did I organise? A cottage in the hills for the weekend, a cocktail making class upon arrival, a tea party the next morning, a hot balloon ride at sunset then a night out in town. The following day: a Bollywood dance class in thelate morning, followed by an evening life drawing session (scrumptious male model) with an MC and topless waiter.

Why? Well, I didn’t want my friend to feel like she had missed out. We tried hard to keep costs down; but I reckon it ended up costing everyone about $300 each.

In other words, I SUCCUMBED.

Me: Given the prospect of another 10 years of increasingly expensive hen’s parties, here are some suggestions:

Keep it local, focus on what the hen wants rather than trying to outdo the last hen’s do she went to. Most importantly, keep it short and simple, no more than an afternoon and night.

That way you’ll end on a high with everyone benefiting from a healthier bank balance.


Hen"s Parties - some girls hate them?