Some people don’t know what a hen’s party is. One reason for this is that in other countries hen's parties have a different name:
In France for example they call it
'enterrement de vie de jeune fille'
which literally translated means
'burial of the life of a young girl' LOL
Here's a photo of a French girl taking the mickey out of her 'enterrement de vie de jeune fille'.
On her sash she has written:
'J'enterre ma vie de jeune fille'
which means:
'I am burying my life of a young girl'
So let’s start this article with a definition of what a hen's party actually is:
"A hen's party, a hen's night or a hen weekend are events organised for a woman who is about to be married. It is usually organised by a close friend of the bride-to-be and involves the hen celebrating one last night (or a weekend) of 'freedom' with her close friends before she is marries."
Some people think hen's parties should be a night, day (or weekend) of alcoholic excesses. But....alcoholic extremes aren't really something the hen may want to or even be able to remember. That’s one of the reasons the business Hens Party Ideas Adelaide was created: to offer fun, creative alternatives to girls and parties they’ll all want to remember ;-)
What are the special ingredients to creating a successful party? We've asked the professional party planners at Hens Party Ideas Adelaide.
Their answer was:
Work out:
a. who to invite
b. when to send out the invitations
c. where to go
d. what do to do
e. what to wear.
a. Who to invite to your hen's do?

– don’t be a wicked fairy godmother and forget someone or even worse, invites someone who the hen now hates.
b. When to send out the invitations for your hen's night party?
Get everything worked out as early as possible and send out the invites as early as possible too. Then you’ll have a greater chance of getting everyone the hen would like to invite come along. And don’t expect people to answer your emails or snail mail. Follow up: call them, pester them and give them deadlines.c. Where to go for your hen's night party?
Speak with professional party planners – they know all the good venues and can give you advice. Even if you are staging the party in your home city, don’t assume you’ll know all the best venues.Check out the different venues, make a list of the best and then give your hen that list. The she can choose the venue she likes best…and that will make her happy.
d. What do to do at your hen's party weekend?
Some will choose a particular party package while others will organise the party to take place at sporting events with for example a day at the Adelaide races or a night at the greyhounds. Horse racing courses and greyhound tracks often have special events for the hen's party or for group bookings so it is worth checking out what offers are out there so you can get what suits your hen best.You could also spend a weekend camping with the girls at a beautiful location - eg Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula. It's about 3 1/2 hours drive from Adelaide.
e. What to wear for your hen's night party?

To complement the chosen fancy dress theme, you can use hen's party accessories to make the fancy dress even more fun. One fun thing about a chosen theme dress is that it can be kept by the guests and the hen to remember the night (or weekend) out.
Whatever form the event does take, the hen's party theme chosen should be one that allows everyone AND ESPECIALLY YOUR HEN to enjoy the event.
You'll find many ideas to help with your hen's night preparation on the ‘Hens Party Ideas Adelaide’ website. You can browse and contact their team to ensure that your special hen’s day, night or weekend is an event you will never (want to) forget.
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