“Everybody knows that the standard hen’s party tends to involve a stripper. There is something tantalising about watching a nude male make a show of undressing. But when you think about it it’s a bit passive. I’m the kind of person who likes to be active; I admit I prefer doing sport to watching sport. That’s why sitting for hours on end waiting for that moment when I can watch a stripper was boring for me.
Then I found out that I could watch him undress and get creative in the process.
How ? I went to a nude male life drawing party at a friend’s hens night. It was here in Adelaide and organised by Hens Party Ideas Adelaide You get to watch a guy make a show of undressing, you get to see him nude for a rather long time, and on top of that you get to study him intensely, because you draw him.
I remember when the other bridesmaids came up with the idea of life drawing it sounded unbelievably daunting. I like to be challenged, so I talked myself into saying yes to their suggestion. I was pretty nervous. Of course my drawings were lousy, but I’ll admit they were a little less worse than I had expected them to be. But it was so much fun drawing with all the girls and really getting a good stare that the quality of my drawings became irrelevant. And having a couple of glasses to drink also definitely helped me let go of my perfectionist tendencies LOL”
I asked one of our clients who had been to two nude male life drawing parties that we organised to write something about her experience. The above is what she wrote.

People who have never done life drawing before wonder what it is. Let me explain it a little. It is the act of drawing a naked human body by means of looking at a live model. It’s something that artists find quite normal, because during their studies they have weekly life drawing classes. Life drawing classes for artists last 3 hours. The final drawing to normally takes about an hour. Imagine being still entire! That’s very hard for the poor model. They get lots of pins and needles.
The life drawing parties we organise here at Hens Party Ideas Adelaide are shorter: they last one and a half hours. Whereas art students get to draw males and females of all different shapes and sizes, both old and young, the models we organise for our hens parties are gorgeous, young hunks. Age range is 20 to 35. Along with the model comes an art teacher/MC. He or she makes the drawing really easy; very different to those painfully embarrassing our classes some of us tend to remember having to endure at school. The MC gives simple tips and turns drawing into a game.
Give us a call on 0432 924 305 or email us. If you call us you can pick our brains, we’re here to help you. You can also find us on Facebook, Hens Party Ideas Adelaide. We love it when you like us.
Frequently Asked Life Drawing Package Questions
Let me get into the nitty-gritty by means of frequently asked questions:
How many people do we need to be?
We’ve set our minimum numbers at 12, but we’ve had parties with as few as 6 girls, they’ve just divided the cost for 12 between themselves. The largest life drawing party we’ve ever had was with 42 girls.
How much does it cost?
Our prices range between $35 per person and $80 per person. If you follow this link you can see more details.
What do we need to provide?
Nothing. We bring everything with us: an art teacher/MC, a male model, charcoal or graphite pencils or water-soluble pastels if you’ve opted for colour, paper, boards, aprons and easels if you’ve got the table space for them.

Do we need to pay a deposit?
We request a deposit of $120. That secures a specific date and time for you. Best to book as far in advance as possible, that will guarantee you get the date and time you want. The deposit is non-refundable, however you can use it as a deposit for another party.
What times are available?
Our nude male life drawing parties can be held whenever you like. Most girls book them on a Saturday. It’s good to have them in the afternoon because you’ll get far more out of it if you’re not too much under the influence. We run them on Sundays and during the week as well, we’re far more flexible with regard to times then.
Do you also provide topless waiters?
We sure do. It’s great fun to add a topless waiter to the mix.
How long do the sessions last?
Sessions normally last 90 minutes which is ample time for drawing, chatting and laughing. We’ve done parties that have only lasted an hour and we’ve organised a life drawing party that took 2 ½ hours. Full day workshops are lots of fun too.
We have no experience whatsoever in drawing, is that a problem?
Our focus is on fun, that’s all you need to have had experience in. The quality of the drawings really is irrelevant. However, what is interesting is that everyone who has participated in the nude male life drawing parties has improved throughout the one and half hours. Sometimes people have discovered a talent they never even imagined that they had. Women are surprised that teir sketches are far better than what their worst fears had had them imagine they would be.
Is this any different to organising a stripper?
Yes, it’s totally different. The nude male model’s role is to inspire you. He is there to entertain you and to have fun with you. Forget lap dances and gyration!
Do you have any other hen’s party ideas?
Yes, lots of them! If you want to stay artistic we also offer painting on a nude guy. You start by sketching him and then add colour to the sketches. The hen then chooses her favourite sketch and she and the winning girls get to paint that on their nude model.
Other hens party activities we offer are Bollywood dancing, cocktail making, Rudigami, burlesque-exploring the art of seduction, tarot card reading fortune telling, and we also have a magician who comes to hens parties and teachers you all tricks. We’ve come up with other ideas too and have put them together in an article titled 21 top hens ideas. Take a look.
Oh, and BTW we also offer nude female life drawing for buck’s parties. Some ladies want to be sure their man is in safe hands, and some men don’t want to risk ruining their wedding night
A Creative Hens Night Party